3 Things You Need to Know to Succeed At Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing looks simple:

• Find a product to sell
• Recommend it to buyers
• Get paid a commission

But you should know most things that appear to be simple are most often anything but easy.

The 3 Things You Need to Know are

Trust, Traffic & Tracking

1. Establish Trust

You need to establish trust because
• Selling online isn’t usually face-to-face
• The human element isn’t there
• Visitors to your site can split with a click

If they don’t like your email, they can delete it and unsubscribe from the list in seconds.

People usually come online for information or to be entertained, but not usually to buy stuff.

Your content must help readers with short attention spans to focus enough to see you’ve got a solution for a problem they have.

Then make your content relevant, entertaining and useful to get the reader to trust you.

Use infographics, videos, pictures of the product etc to show how useful the product is
Remove fear in the buyer and be subtle about it.

2. Drive Traffic

You need to build a website but understand that alone won’t automatically get you floods of traffic.

To sell online you need to go and get the traffic you need on your own not just sit around waiting for it to get that buyer traffic.

You’re going to have to learn traffic generation free and or paid and take action.

3. Track Your Website

To run an online business you must track your results.

• Do you get visitors?
• Do your products convert?
• Where is your traffic coming from?
• Are your emails being opened?
• Which pages on your site see the most traffic?
• Which ads are performing well?
• And which need to be shut down?

There are many variables that need to be tracked to know where to scale-up and what’s not working.

Knowing what’s not performing well lets you fix the problem but you won’t know about it, if you don’t track.

If you master the three T’s of affiliate marketing of Trust, Traffic and Tracking, you’ll succeed at affiliate marketing in record time.

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