How to Make Money Online for Beginners

I researched “How to Make Money Online for Beginners“ by Googling these exact words and read every article and watched every video that came up on the first page.  I wanted to know if any of the organic results had good content that actually helped beginners make money online quickly.

There were …
• 12 organic results on the first page
• 3 were YouTube videos
• 9 were website articles
• 2 articles had the exact keywords “How to Make Money Online For Beginners” in the title.
• 1 article had a very long extensive guide about how beginners can make money online. She basically wanted you to join her affiliate network program because she had sign up buttons all over the page.


The main gist of all the articles and videos (with the exception of a few) aimed on showing you the various money making methods.

Here are some of the “Article Titles” focused on listing various methods to making money online:

• 40 Easy Ways to Make Money Quickly
• 12 Ways You can Absolutely Make Money Online
• 13 Best Websites that can Make Money Online for Beginners
• 7 Realistic Ways to Make Money Online

Writers of these articles know that beginners are basically “Window Shoppers” for make money online ideas and strategies.

If you are new to making money online, you are probably looking to find “The Method” that would make you say “Yea, I think I can make money with this”. So Google favors articles showcasing “The Methods” and puts a good amount of them on the first page.


Since there are so many articles and methods to cover, I narrowed down the Top 18 ways to make money online quickly.

18 Quick Ways to Make Money Online


These 18 sites are what you call “Task-Based Pay Sites” where they want you to review apps, watch videos, test out user interfaces, review search engine results, dictate your summary reviews while you test things.  They may also ask you transcribe audio recordings, translate languages (if you can), research and process data to earn money.

In most cases, they will ask you to install a screen capture software to record your review on your pc, laptop or mobile device.

On average, these sites will let you earn around $10 for 20 minutes of your time, and pay you via PayPal on a weekly basis.

Are These Make Money Online Methods Good for Beginners?

Yes and no.

Yes, in a sense that you don’t need to pay anything upfront, it’s easy to do and you can make some money relatively quickly.

But No, in a sense because you’ll experience some “down time” where there are no tasks to do, so you won’t be able to earn any money until new tasks become available.

If you don’t mind doing tasks that earn you less than a dollar, there are sites that allow you to earn very small amounts more consistently.

6 Sites That Give You Consistent Earnings

• Inbox Dollars (Survey)

• Vindale Research (Survey)

• Swagbucks (Survey)
• eBates (Cash Back and Affiliate Referral Commissions)
• (Click on Ads, Refer others)
• (get paid to solve captcha puzzles)

With eBates, you get $10.00 credit to open an account. Shop and earn cash back,and refer others & earn $25.00. When you shop online, make sure you log in to your eBates account, search for the store you want to buy from, click on the link and shop.

You can also refer a friend to open an eBates account and earn money. What I did was make videos on YouTube for the collectible niche and spoke about products that we liked and then said …

“If you want to get this product, sign up to eBates and you will get $10.00 for Free, and get additional cash back savings” and provided the affiliate link to join eBates in the description area below the video.

When people sign up and make a purchase using eBates, l received a credit for $25.00. I’ve done this repeatedly and earned about $1200 using eBates.

You’ll get anywhere from 1% to 20% cash back your purchases. eBates pays out every quarter of the year (via PayPal or Check in the mail).

Online Surveys

Surveys can take up a lot of time to earn very little, but they do add up and it does work. I’ve earned hundreds of dollars from them because I had the patience to keep taking them when I got started. Some surveys take 5 – 10 minutes while others take longer, like 30 minutes. The longer the survey, the higher the pay.

The three online survey sites I used to make hundreds of dollars online are

Inbox Dollars
Vindale Research

There are multiple market research companies that use these 3 sites to get people to take surveys and provide input and feedback about products. It could be about cars, gardening supplies, candy, potato chips, bed mattresses, mobile phones etc.

Survey companies often screen people for certain demographics. They seem very interested in getting feedback from people with Hispanic backgrounds because they always ask if you are Hispanic.

So these are the methods beginners can get started with and make a little bit of money.

Key Point to Remember:

These methods will get you quick income for beginners, but these are not the best ways to make “A LOT OF MONEY”online.

If you don’t want to be exchanging your time for money, there are better ways to make money online. These methods we just covered are basically a quick way to make some money for beginners, and are not the best way to make a lot of money online.


So let’s address the bigger question about making job replacing income.

What if You want to make thousands of dollars with these methods?

Let me save you the trouble and tell you the methods mentioned above will not make you thousands of dollars a month.

They are more of a time consumer for extra cash money for your wallet, rather than a solution to making respectable long lasting income online.

Beginners wind up …

• spending too much time on these methods
• making only a little bit here and there
• then start a new method, only to hop over to another one
• this leads to frustration & disappointment


If you want to make more money, like thousands of dollars a month or more, you are better off saving the money you earn from these methods above, and investing it in an automated online system that will generate money for you 24/7.

Which Method is Suitable for Beginners Who Want to Make A Lot of Money Online?

Out of all of the make money methods that were covered on the first page of Google, 10 of the 12 search results all mentioned this method as the best way to make money online for beginners.

This method has so much more potential because

• You can get started using free tools and free training
• No need to make your own product
• No need to handle customer support
• No need to deal with clients
• No need to ship products
• It has the potential to create a job replacing income and even go beyond that

And the best part is, you can automate the system to generate cash 24/7 even while you are sleeping or enjoying the day outside.

Guess which method was mentioned the most?

The Best Method for Beginners to

Make Money Online is Affiliate Marketing

It is by far, the hands down winner as the Best way to Make Money Online for beginners.

In a nutshell, Affiliate Marketing is about promoting links to products and services from vendors like Amazon (Amazon Associates) or eBay (eBay Partner Network).

When a visitor clicks on your link and makes a purchase at the vendor’s website, you will earn a commission.

eBay generates $895 million in sales every month.

Amazon generates $20 billion in sales every month.

If you can get your affiliate links in front of many people who are already looking to buy products on Amazon or eBay, you can make a lot more money than the methods mentioned before.

For example, I know of one person who sold around $1 million in Amazon affiliates sales, and earned about $75,000 in profits which was for 2017.

How do you get people to click on your affiliate link?

One way to get people to click on your affiliate link is to become a social media influencer.

There are many Social Media Influencers on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, that are subject matter experts in their respective field (also called a niche), and provide relevant content to their viewers and subscribers

For example, there are many YouTube channels that go over all kinds of things about Mobile phones.  There are new phones that come out every 3 to 6 months, and they provide useful information about Mobile Phones that benefit the viewers.  Then they will click on the links below the video (eg. phone case, battery pack links) and buy.

In my case, I unknowingly followed that model and created a YouTube channel in the Collectibles niche and started earning Google Adsense money in the beginning.  And then started to share affiliate links from eBay.  Both are making consistent income for me every month.

eBay’s affiliate program is called

Before you sign up to become an eBay affiliate, I recommend that you establish some kind of internet presence first.  It can be a YouTube channel, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram or a website.

Then apply, because if you don’t generate enough traffic to your affiliate links, they will eventually cancel your affiliate account.

This applies to applying for Amazon Associates as well.


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  2. Reply

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